I am so very excited for this adventure & the opportunity to explore Europe! And, in full disclosure, I'm scared. I know everything will be fine & great even, but it is still scary leaving the country you grew up in. Not knowing if you will indeed be able to come visit like you promise everyone.
Will I find friends? Okay, I know I will, but will I find at least one GOOD friend? You know the kind you can hang out with almost everyday & share everything with? You know the Janet, Emily, Michelle, Trinity, Korinne, Abi, Lindsey, -type friend? I have been extremely blessed to have had just 1 great girlfriend, I know that! But those times I didn't have one, whew! Those were rough times!
Will we find our church? For some obvious reasons this one is easier to place in the hands of God. I still think about it. I still pray for it. Everyday. It took us awhile to find Alice Drive, here in Sumter, SC. It is AMAZING! So, I have to let go of expectations & search for what God has for us. Where God is going to use us.
I almost cried on the way to pick the kids up from preschool. I was in my typical rush-rush-rush mode & I felt God ask me to slow down, to listen. He's so intuitive that God! Then I realized I'm leaving. For the better part of my time here in SC, I
This is the hard part of the military life, saying goodbye. I look forward to blogging more about the GOOD part of the military life (i.e. adventures, making friends) in the upcoming... years! Bundle of emotions, yep, that's me!
Have a blessed day!!
Love you!