10 October 2012

Hello, We Are Actually Moving

I don't even know what to tell you. I never doubted this move would go through since we got the orders, but it is really here! The movers come tomorrow to pack up all of our belongings. By Tuesday afternoon we will be at my Dad's house for a couple days & then in Maryland for a week and a half. Then BAM! we are flying across the frakin' ocean for 3 years! Can you tell it is really hitting me today?

I am so very excited for this adventure & the opportunity to explore Europe! And, in full disclosure, I'm scared. I know everything will be fine & great even, but it is still scary leaving the country you grew up in. Not knowing if you will indeed be able to come visit like you promise everyone.

Will I find friends? Okay, I know I will, but will I find at least one GOOD friend? You know the kind you can hang out with almost everyday & share everything with? You know the Janet, Emily, Michelle, Trinity, Korinne, Abi, Lindsey, -type friend? I have been extremely blessed to have had just 1 great girlfriend, I know that! But those times I didn't have one, whew! Those were rough times!

Will we find our church? For some obvious reasons this one is easier to place in the hands of God. I still think about it. I still pray for it. Everyday. It took us awhile to find Alice Drive, here in Sumter, SC. It is AMAZING! So, I have to let go of expectations & search for what God has for us. Where God is going to use us.

I almost cried on the way to pick the kids up from preschool. I was in my typical rush-rush-rush mode & I felt God ask me to slow down, to listen. He's so intuitive that God! Then I realized I'm leaving. For the better part of my time here in SC, I hated strongly disliked it. The last year or two has been the turning point. I am connected to the people, mostly through the military & the church. So, I am going to cry. I don't like crying, especially in public. I'll probably cry tonight when I say goodbye to some of "my" girls in the youth ministry, as well as some leaders. I'll definitely cry Sunday when we say goodbye to our New Balance small group. I'll cry when I say good-bye to each friend I've made here. If anyone doesn't cry with me, I'll just blame my pregnancy hormones ;)

This is the hard part of the military life, saying goodbye. I look forward to blogging more about the GOOD part of the military life (i.e. adventures, making friends) in the upcoming... years! Bundle of emotions, yep, that's me!

Have a blessed day!!

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