31 December 2011

See ya 2011, Hello 2012

So time to reflect on the past year & look ahead to what may lie ahead in the future year!

2011- It really was a great year. God has truly blessed us! Even in trials he has drawn us closer to Him & that makes it so worth it! We are at a pretty awesome time in our lives. There are always bumps, but this year (from what I remember) they have all been relatively small. Or more likely, my view from here makes them appear small. Here are some highlights. If I forgot one that you can think of, comment it!

* Had many good dates with my honey
* iPad for Valentines Day, we love our iPad
* Will turned 2 with an AWESOME Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme!
* We spent Corey's Birthday in Myrtle Beach with the wonderful Boeckhs! In a really nice condo, btw!
* Will's first real-ish Easter Egg Hunt! (he knew what he was doing & got a bunch of loot!)
* Will & Sophie experienced their first ever fireworks! They LOVED it!
* Meeting the Steinkopfs! I am so glad God crossed our paths!
* Being a DGL for the Silver Sparklettes at MOPS!
* We survived Corey's month long TDY to Alaska (even managed to have some fun & learn somethings!)
* Will started preschool!!! 3 hours, 3 days a week.
* Sophia's 1st Birthday! (that was the beginning of the month of sickness, but my Lil Ladybug had a great day!)
* Fun dressing up for Halloween
* Thanksgiving with my family (the best part was ordering the main parts)
* Christmas-time with Corey's family & some of my family up in Maryland

2012- I'm excited to see where God takes us this year. I feel like we are pretty open. Here are some things that I am looking forward to.

* Corey coming home!!! This is so much on my mind & my heart! I hope it's soon!
* My baby boy turning 3!! He is such a fun little guy!
* Speaking of little boy... Will being fully potty trained! (the week we have no misses will be a glorious one & I will throw a party! Seriously, I think I will! lol)
* Ocean City trip! We always look forward to this! Hopefully Corey will come home early enough to join us for this!
* Both kids will be in preschool! Which is so weird to me! I think I might not like it, but I can learn to ;) I'll be able to get SO much done in those 9 hours a week!
* Sophia will be turning 2!!
* Starting to plan Corey's 30th Birthday Week at Disney World!!! what what!! I have to go to ITT after I get the tax return haha.
* Start fantasizing about my 30th Birthday in Paris (okay okay, a little too early, but whatever! haha)

So, I don't really do resolutions, but I guess I kind of do... Last Year I wanted to lose 30lbs. (I lost 15!), I can't remember what else (I should have looked at past blogs to see if I blogged it, oh well).

For 2012,
* Daily giving up my plans & wants & ideas to God. Daily Dependence.
* Focus on my calling from God. I am called to show God's love to my children, to teach them who he is. I have a purpose!
* I want to spend 15 minutes outside everyday with the kids (even if the weather is extreme), we've already started doing this, but I'll throw it out here.
* Take more pictures. Too general right? Well, I signed up for a 365/52 project, I'm not sure if I'll stick with it, but I just got a kick-ass new PS which I'm able to carry around with me all the time. So that's a step in the right direction
* Workout more often & more consistently. There is always something coming up, but I love working out & it's good for me & my kids! My ultimate goal would be jogging 4 days a week with 3 days of strength training.

Thanks for your encouragement & support! What are some of your highlights? What are you looking forward to? Have any resolutions?

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