Things are going so well. Suzanne came & left already. She was such a great help. I am so thankful she came down.
Today we are going to go visit my Dad, brother & sister. They haven't been able to meet Will yet, & I just realized that tomorrow he is officially 1 month old!!! Crazy!! We are going to stay the night, so hopefully they wont be too annoyed if Will decides to have a fussy night.
Speaking of night... Corey decided that tonight is my night to get the first full night of sleep since before Will came. (Even when he has taken a night feeding or two, I tend to get up to make sure everything is alright). Now Will is sleeping very well at night & Corey threatened to beat me up if I get out of the bed. lol. He also is bringing home earplugs. He's serious & I love him for doing this. It's going to be weird to get continuous sleep. What was it like for you when you first got to sleep through the night after being used to getting naps?
Can I just reiterate (spelling?) that I am so thankful that I can keep in touch with friends & family through the internet. I don't really like being glued to the phone, but with the internet I can email, myspace, facebook, & blog & keep up with all my buddies through it, at whatever time is convenient for me. I have actually renewed & strengthened relationships since I moved & started spending more time online. I do need to make more friends here (in time), but I am thankful that I'm not alone during this time in my life. Praise the Lord. Now... how do I make friends here... haha, jk
I was going to add some pictures, but it's not letting me... I guess I'll try again later, sorry
27 March 2009
18 March 2009
Settling in
So, I think we, Will & I, are starting to settle into each other. Whew it's harder than I anticipated, but what a wonderful time for God to mold me into a better reflection of him.
God is really teaching me to be flexible & relax. I don't know if you know... but I have a tendency to be Type-A. This is something I see God breaking me of all the time. Thankfully he doesn't give up on me. lol.
I have a great friend, Suzanne, coming in from Indiana tonight & I am SOOO excited. She is so much fun, but she also knows me so well. She'll be able to look at me & tell me "Chill girl" & it actually work. lol. Plus, it'll be so nice to have someone who's been through it helping me through it.
Corey is hopefully off of his 12-hour shifts, so that's another bonus! He's been working 8am-8pm, so I've been baby "master". I love the Air Force, but sometimes I really don't like it. lol.
Ooo I hear Will stirring & there are some things I need to finish up, so I will end this early. Just wanted to give you all updates.
p.s. Thanks to everyone who has emailed, called, or texted words of encouragement & for your prayers. It really helps so much just knowing people care & I'm not alone. love you!
God is really teaching me to be flexible & relax. I don't know if you know... but I have a tendency to be Type-A. This is something I see God breaking me of all the time. Thankfully he doesn't give up on me. lol.
I have a great friend, Suzanne, coming in from Indiana tonight & I am SOOO excited. She is so much fun, but she also knows me so well. She'll be able to look at me & tell me "Chill girl" & it actually work. lol. Plus, it'll be so nice to have someone who's been through it helping me through it.
Corey is hopefully off of his 12-hour shifts, so that's another bonus! He's been working 8am-8pm, so I've been baby "master". I love the Air Force, but sometimes I really don't like it. lol.
Ooo I hear Will stirring & there are some things I need to finish up, so I will end this early. Just wanted to give you all updates.
p.s. Thanks to everyone who has emailed, called, or texted words of encouragement & for your prayers. It really helps so much just knowing people care & I'm not alone. love you!
06 March 2009
Breastfeeding Woes
So, I have to admit that while pregnant I thought breastfeeding would be "easy". Even if it wasn't, I would MAKE it work, because I was apparently that cool. ROFL!!! HAHAHA! How delusional I was.
God has definitely already started using my beautiful, wonderful son to mold me.
Those of you who know me, know that I tend to run on the control-freak side. God is constantly trying to break me of this (so thankful for his persistence). I have grown leaps-and-bounds from just a few years ago, but this is something I'll always learn more about. haha.
Anyways, the story goes that I have had several problems trying to breastfeed Will. At first, he wouldn't latch. Then he would either be 1)too sleepy & refuse to open his mouth (I did try prying it open everyway possible & yes I tried to wake him every way short of poking him with something sharp) or 2)get very angry at me for trying to press his face into my boob. If #2 happened, then I would have to pull him off & calm him down, but then he'd turn into #1. If #1 happened, I'd have to use techniques to wake him & he'd turn into #2.
Then, the hospital nurses told me that babies can sleep & be fed every 4 hours. (umm, didn't sound right, but in my exhausted state I didn't put up a fight).
Oh yeah & when things couldn't get any worse, he stopped sucking & swallowing. I would hand express some milk into his mouth to get him going, but sit him up to calm him down (cause you know he freaked out) & all of the expressed milk poured out.
So, I have a Lactation Consultant (LC) & have been in daily contact with her. Because he had stopped sucking/swallowing I had to start supplementing. My pump hadn't come in the mail yet, so we used formula & when I could hand expressed milk.
Well, anyways... I had been praying about my feelings & for help from God. Yeah, I was so exhausted, stressed, disappointed, frustrated, etc. In the course of a day, He really helped me work through some of my feelings & attitudes. I read some things online & talked to a really good friend. Oh I felt so much better!
Today, I went in to see my LC & she was really baffled by Will. She even pointed out that when he bottle feeds, he's really slow & relaxed about it. I was afraid she was going to tell me to just keep trying (it's really exhausting spending an hour trying to feed a screaming/sleeping baby, only to have to supplement with a bottle & an hour after that try it all again), but she actually helped me feel even better. She said I'm doing everything I can do & that he's just not wanting to do it. She reccommended the nipple shield (which didn't work at the office, but I'm willing to try it for today), but also encouraged something I had found out about online.
Explusive Pumping. For mom's who can't nurse, but still want to give their baby breastmilk. Perfect for me because I would rather be a happy, bottle-feeding mom than a stressed-out, struggling, "nursing" mom. The main thing I care about it the nurtients he's getting. So, there is a strong chance that slowly my milk supply will diminish, but some is better than none, no?
I realize this is super long & oh look at the time, I need to pump! Please pray for me that my milk supply would increase to 2oz. (that's where he's at now). Thanks so much! Praise God that he really helped me through this to find a great solutiong. I'll keep ya updated!
God has definitely already started using my beautiful, wonderful son to mold me.
Those of you who know me, know that I tend to run on the control-freak side. God is constantly trying to break me of this (so thankful for his persistence). I have grown leaps-and-bounds from just a few years ago, but this is something I'll always learn more about. haha.
Anyways, the story goes that I have had several problems trying to breastfeed Will. At first, he wouldn't latch. Then he would either be 1)too sleepy & refuse to open his mouth (I did try prying it open everyway possible & yes I tried to wake him every way short of poking him with something sharp) or 2)get very angry at me for trying to press his face into my boob. If #2 happened, then I would have to pull him off & calm him down, but then he'd turn into #1. If #1 happened, I'd have to use techniques to wake him & he'd turn into #2.
Then, the hospital nurses told me that babies can sleep & be fed every 4 hours. (umm, didn't sound right, but in my exhausted state I didn't put up a fight).
Oh yeah & when things couldn't get any worse, he stopped sucking & swallowing. I would hand express some milk into his mouth to get him going, but sit him up to calm him down (cause you know he freaked out) & all of the expressed milk poured out.
So, I have a Lactation Consultant (LC) & have been in daily contact with her. Because he had stopped sucking/swallowing I had to start supplementing. My pump hadn't come in the mail yet, so we used formula & when I could hand expressed milk.
Well, anyways... I had been praying about my feelings & for help from God. Yeah, I was so exhausted, stressed, disappointed, frustrated, etc. In the course of a day, He really helped me work through some of my feelings & attitudes. I read some things online & talked to a really good friend. Oh I felt so much better!
Today, I went in to see my LC & she was really baffled by Will. She even pointed out that when he bottle feeds, he's really slow & relaxed about it. I was afraid she was going to tell me to just keep trying (it's really exhausting spending an hour trying to feed a screaming/sleeping baby, only to have to supplement with a bottle & an hour after that try it all again), but she actually helped me feel even better. She said I'm doing everything I can do & that he's just not wanting to do it. She reccommended the nipple shield (which didn't work at the office, but I'm willing to try it for today), but also encouraged something I had found out about online.
Explusive Pumping. For mom's who can't nurse, but still want to give their baby breastmilk. Perfect for me because I would rather be a happy, bottle-feeding mom than a stressed-out, struggling, "nursing" mom. The main thing I care about it the nurtients he's getting. So, there is a strong chance that slowly my milk supply will diminish, but some is better than none, no?
I realize this is super long & oh look at the time, I need to pump! Please pray for me that my milk supply would increase to 2oz. (that's where he's at now). Thanks so much! Praise God that he really helped me through this to find a great solutiong. I'll keep ya updated!
04 March 2009
He's Here!!
Isn't he the most HANDSOME boy ever?! Yeah I know you think so! hehe. He looks like his Daddy for sure.
He was born February 28, 2009 @ 8:21am! Oh it was such a great labor & delivery! It flew by.
I was anxiously awaiting his arrival, so I tried a natural induction suggested by some friends from church. I started drinking raspberry leaf tea in the afternoon & within 3 hours I was having regular contractions!
So, around 2:30 am things were getting pretty intense, so we went to the hospital. When I arrived I was 5cm, 80% effaced & he was "really really far down" (nurse). Also when I got to the hospital I decided I didn't want to try it all natural. I saw the benefit of peacefully enjoying the process rather than struggling to get through it. I have so much respect for women who go all natural & thought I wanted that for myself, but nope. haha.
Anyways, so I get the epidural & I feel fabulous!!! That thing is the best invention EVER! So... an hour or two after getting the epidural I was feeling the beginings of the need to push. They checked me & I was 7cm & 100% effaced, but when the doctor came (about 5 mins. later) He said I was sitting on the baby & was ready. (I still felt fabulous!). The nurses were getting everything ready & we were all joking around & laughing. Then I started to push & in 3 little pushes he was crowning! They told me to stop pushing (way easier said than done) & went to get the doctor. BUT... we were all joking around & Corey & I were cracking up. I couldn't stop laughing & before the nurses could get half way to the door, I see Corey look down there in suprise & say "uh the baby!" & start cracking up (as I'm laughing) the nurses freaked out because he was popping out & they didn't have gloves on & the doctor was down the hall. They are yelling at me to stop laughing, which only makes me laugh harder (& Corey is crying from laughing so hard). As soon as the doctor walks in, before he gets to my bed, POP out is little William's big head! haha. I literally laughed him out!!! Which is so fitting with me & Corey!
So, He's here, weighed 8 lbs. 12 oz. & measured 21 inches long! His stats have lots of 8's, 1's & 2's! We can't wait to see his social security number!
We got to go home Monday morning.
Oh, well looky look, I guess I'll have to finish this up later, mommy duties call.
I really don't know how you all who have kids do everything. I feel like my day is all Will, but I sometimes get to choose between sleep & something else. So... it may be a bit before I continue this. Don't hold your breath, but eventually I will get to it. haha
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