William Thomas Shipe...

is 7 months old today!
This month flew by!
Let's see Willzum's favorite things:
*trying to get my cell phone
*eating Earth Best's Teething Biscuts
*pooping while in his exersaucer (everytime!)
*lil crunchies
*playing with paper
*his playskool pop-up toy
*his lovey (a small blanket with a bear body in the middle)
This month flew by!
Let's see Willzum's favorite things:
*trying to get my cell phone
*eating Earth Best's Teething Biscuts
*pooping while in his exersaucer (everytime!)
*lil crunchies
*playing with paper
*his playskool pop-up toy
*his lovey (a small blanket with a bear body in the middle)
Things he's doing:
*watching his shadow
*making wierd sucking/slurping sounds (I taught him when I was trying to teach him how to use a sippy cup)
*making wierd sucking/slurping sounds (I taught him when I was trying to teach him how to use a sippy cup)
*eating some finger foods (hasn't mastered getting little pieces into his mouth)
*rocking on his hands & knees
*getting from a sitting position onto his tummy/all-fours
*sitting up all by himself in the bathtub!
*starting to climb mommy & daddy to get up
*open mouth kisses!
*2 2-hour naps & 1 1-hour nap a day! Sometimes it's a little less than 2 hours.
*rolling over during diaper changes, nice!
I love him so much! We are having so much fun (me, corey, & wills) I hope life will always be this great!
I love this boy! I can't wait to kiss his face!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!