19 January 2013

The 2 months Run-Down

I don't even know where to start on updating my blog. I feel like I almost need to re-introduce myself.
Want a run down of the last 2 months? Okay here we go...
*We lived in TLF (that's the base hotel, but it has a full kitchen & a living room, so like a condo) for 3 weeks. 2 weeks in a pet-friendly one (i.e. older & slightly stinky) & 1 week in a regular one (i.e. HUGE). Both were great.
*We had trouble with finances for about a MONTH! so frustrating. The Government Travel Card got messed up. The banks took forever to link up so we could transfer money in between them. Corey couldn't transfer his direct deposit for a long time. The travel voucher, the housing allowance, the housing allowance advance, and all that stuff of course took a long time also. BUT we are all settled in the finance department & figuring out our new bank's online system & how to pay our British bills & American bills.
*We moved into our new home the 7th of December, but we didn't get our household goods until December 31st. Until then we used borrowed furniture from the military & what we had with us.
*We bought a new car, a VW Roba (Rubba? idk), it's Corey's work car. It's a little, nothing remotely fancy car. We had plans of buying 2 cars, but a long story short, the bank is weird & even though we have perfect credit we weren't able to. SO we have to go to another bank & take out another loan. The first one was only $3k, so no biggie. BUT our car rental is due back by the 24th, so we need to get on it.
*Everything moves slow here & business all close around 530pm.
*We got our internet connected this week! And while I am soooo beyond thrilled to be connected again, our connection is too slow to be able to watch Hulu. We just live in a bad area (which by the way, most of the housing areas around here are bad areas for internet, go figure).
*Will started school the 7th of January. He goes 3 times a week, Monday 9-3, Wednesday 1-4, and Friday 9-3. The first week was hard adjusting. One of the teachers corrected him & now he freaks out just seeing her. In 100% honesty, she is overly nice/sweet when we come, which makes me think she may not be so sweet when parents aren't there. Maybe I'm paranoid, maybe it's instinct from working in childcare, or maybe it's just mommy instinct, but whatever it is I keep an eye on her. lol. He loves the food they cook & likes his Key Caregiver Jamie & another teacher Lottie. It's also hard on him going 6 hours those 2 days, but I see it as preparation for Reception, which he starts in the fall.
*I've started a PWOC bible study (Protestant Women of the Chapel), didn't know it existed. I think it's going to be good. I chose Faithful Abundant True, a study by Kay Arthur, Beth Moore, & Pricilla Shirer. I'm excited & hope to make some good friends there too.
*Our final crate of household goods (it was split to clear customs faster) arrives Monday! Hopefully all of the hardware that is missing for our bookshelves, Sophie's bed, & Will's bed is in there! Our dinning table will be in there & our hampers! lol. Good news: because we had it split, when they come to give us the rest of it, they will take all the boxes from the previous shipment! SCHWEET!
*Our house, like all British houses, is small & has little storage, but I am already getting used to it. We are asking our landlord to invest in a shed, because we do have quite a bit of outdoor stuff that needs it.
*It snowed! I was excited to move here for the hope of snow & people tried to crush those hopes, telling me it doesn't snow in England where we will be. Well, maybe it doesn't normally, but it snowed a good amount this past week! Take that nay-sayers! ;)

I'm sure there are things I forgot. Although we aren't fully settled (are military families ever really settled though?) we are getting there! We are making friends, searching for a church, organizing our house, finding our favorite places, and most importantly having fun with each other & the whole process.

Now that we have internet, look for me to catch up here in Bloggyland & to update more often. I hope you all are doing well wherever you may be, geographically, stage in your life, & spiritually.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Going to live in England has been your dream for so long....glad it has come true for you! Love you.
