22 February 2009
The Vicious Cycle
1)You get sick,
2)Then you have to drink more water (you know to flush it out & because you are breathing through your mouth & thus losing more fluids),
3)Then you end up getting up several times during the night, to go potty from all the water (& a bit of achiness & to blow your nose),
4)Because you aren't getting much sleep, what happens? Your immune system is compromised & weak,
5)Making you... SICK, AGAIN!!
~Add to this a husband who insists on kissing you regardless (because he's in the Air Force, he's "invincible") & then you pass it back & forth.
~Add to this that you spend all day (well kind of) sanatizing doorknobs, comp. mouse, etc.
~Add to this growing a baby!! & All the other symptoms that come with THAT.
& you have a lovely VICIOUS cycle! lol
Just thought I'd share... ohh I should take a picture of sick me & Corey (he's still invincible in my eyes, lol) & add it to this. lol I will tomorrow. Poor baby, he had to work tonight.
17 February 2009
Art for Will
Corey wants to get me some more canvases to paint an "S" & other things for the whole house. I don't know why HE doesn't start painting. He is a really great artist (way better than me!). I love that he likes my simple, silly art though, it makes me feel good. Maybe we can start doing it together.
Ahh, I can't wait until Will is making his own art! (i know, i know, it'll be a long time, but still)
07 February 2009
How Wonderful
05 February 2009
My Bunny!
Check this out!!
It's my BUNNY! My great-grandma (Mamaw) made this bunny for me when I was born. That's what my parents always told me. I hope that is right. lol.
I love this bunny, but I am so amazed that somehow I managed to hold on to it.
There are several things from childhood we, as a family, lost because of losing storage units & moving ALOT.
I found this bunny awhile back, but refound it as we were setting up William's room. So, even though he's a boy & this is, obviously, a very girly bunny, I decided to wash it, praying it wouldn't fall apart.
To my suprise & delight it looks practically brand new!!! I should've taken a picture of it before I washed it. It was disgusting, I'm pretty sure my parents NEVER washed it! lol. So 24 years of yuck & a 30 minute meeting with some laundry soap & Oxyclean. Voila! Clean, beautiful, sanitary Bunny!
There are a few strings that have come loose & the elasticity on the bonnet isn't elastic anymore, but it's great!
Did I mention it has a super cool zipper in it's back?! I used to hide notes, pictures, toys, and the like in there. Awww, memories!
04 February 2009
He has dropped!
The newest news, I've "dropped" (that means he's lowered his head into the pelvic area & is ready to come out). Well, that's what the doctor said. He's definitely head down. So, it really is anyday now. Whenever these Braxton Hicks contractions decide to become REAL contractions.
Yesterday, we had one of our childbirth classes & we got to tour the Labor & Delivery area at the hospital. It was really cool. I have to tell you all though, I got a little panicky when we were in the delivery room. It was a little warm in there, but then all of a sudden I realized I'm going to be in that freakin' bed soon! Then it was really hot in there. lol. I was able to keep my cool, but ahh! I'm really going to have this baby! (I know, I'm a genius! lol) As we were ending the tour & heading back to class, we walked by the nursery & one of the couples that is the class was there! She had her baby the day before, crazy!! She was a month early. Talk about making it real.
I figured out a way to describe how it feels. It's like going on a roller coaster. You think it's a great idea & waited in line & are all excited, now you're on it. Then you start going up, clunk-clunk, no big deal your still close to the ground, but after 8 months of clunk-clunk, clunk-clunk, you start to think, "well, this is pretty high, huh?", clunk-clunk, "what am I doing?...", clunk-clunk, "ummm.... maybe they can let me off...", "i don't think i want to do this", "ahhh". (lol). It's that nervousness. BUT as I was describing this to Corey last night, I realized THIS! When you get off the roller coaster (heck, after the first dip sometimes) you are so excited. You may be a little shakey, but you are sooo happy that you did it! You almost can't wait to do it again.
I don't know if the roller coaster should represent just the delivery, or all of parenthood, but I feel better. I am excited to deliver him & I can't wait to meet him, for real, for real.
I wish my friends could be here when I have him. I know some of them are coming eventually & that I'll visit some of them eventually. but you know, right?
Alright, well, I have a few more things to write, but they'll have to wait until my camera is charged so I can add the pictures that go with those things! So check back soon!