Oh how I wish Today was already over. I wish it were tomorrow!
I could right a huge blog whining & crying & ranting about how today (& yesterday for that matter) sucks. Instead I will just call today a "crying day", a "go to God day".
30 June 2009
24 June 2009
My House at Shaw
So, I have had a couple requests to post pictures of my casa here at Shaw AFB. This is a long blog so be prepared!
So, Here is our dining room when you walk in the side door (the one we use). To the left of me is a big closet, we store shoes etc. in there.
Here is another view of the dining room looking into the kitchen & living room

Here is the kitchen from the dining room...
Here is the HUGE TV Corey had to have & the view into the hallway...
The other side of his room from the door...

This is the view from the window. I wanted to paint his room, but now that we are moving, so thankful I was lazy...
Here is the view into Our bedroom from the hallway. Our room is to the right of Will's...
Here is a view from the closet, you can see our bed in the mirror...
Here is a giant closet to the right of our bedroom. Seriously, we could make those shelves bunkbeds for guests...
Here is our teeny, tiny bathroom. We don't spend lots of time in here anyway, haha.
One day I will post pictures of the outside & the backyard. I didn't have time to take pictures of it today.
Hopefully you loved seeing my tiny abode. We like it. Except the linoleum that is...
21 June 2009
Disgruntled Will
So, this baby boy is hilarious! When he is falling asleep or when we are in the car & he's tired & nobody is in the back seat to entertain him or help him fall asleep, he makes these disgruntled noises. Like he's complaining & speaking his own language. Maybe it's mean that we find this SO funny, but we can't help it. We try to think of what he's thinking & make up things.
Well, Corey captured it one night this week when I was out. I think I was at the Dr.s. I dare you to try not to laugh!! (oh by the way, we dont let this go on forever, except for in the middle of the night) (the little orange light is his baby monitor's night-light feature)
Well, Corey captured it one night this week when I was out. I think I was at the Dr.s. I dare you to try not to laugh!! (oh by the way, we dont let this go on forever, except for in the middle of the night) (the little orange light is his baby monitor's night-light feature)
Father's Day
There is a great quote
"The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother"
My Corey does this so well. I love him so much & am so thankful for all the ways he shows me he loves me.
Yesterday we had a big BBQ. We invited everyone we could think of. Corey LOVED it. Those of you who know Corey, know he LOVES people. It was pretty hectic, but oh so much fun!
Today we had a fun day. We went to church. Went out to lunch after church at our new favorite restaurant. The we had a friend sit Will, while he was napping, & went to the movies. Then we came home & enjoyed some great family time.
I love seeing Corey with Will & even more, I love that he loves his son so much & wants to be with him. They already have this fun bond & it melts my heart! My guys!
Corey reading his Boy Scout book to Will...
17 June 2009
Solids & Sleep
Sleep. He's sleeping a little bit more. It's definitely 2 steps forward, 1 step back & thats IF nothing throws off his schedule too bad. He has yet to sleep even 7 hours solid. Oh well, it'll happen. I just hope he doesn't decide to be a 6am baby. haha
Prince William, Corey made this...
He's starting to roll!
His A's outfit from Uncle Mike, I'm a Giants fan, but I love my brother...
12 June 2009
Pregnancy Symptoms Return!
So, technically there aren't symptoms, just one... fatigue! According to Corey I was tired with Will. Oh how quickly we forget! Well, technically I just haven't had time to stop & think about what pregnancy was like. When I do stop & think about it, I'm pretty sure being a parent of a newborn is way more exhausting. Now I get to experience both. haha. I'm not complaining, it might sound like it, but my heart isn't. I better get used to it too, because that's being a mom!
I figured it out, I'm 6 weeks pregnant. Turns out I did remember to mark my phone calendar when my last period started. My estimated due date is officially February 4th, 2010. I have yet to go to my OB (my primary doctor has to refer me & he takes a bit of time to do that), but as long as I'm in Sumter, SC it will be Sumter OB again.
Anyways, it's a lot of hardwork taking care of a home & a baby, plus being pregnant, but then I see this little face...
& it's a freakin' energy boost!Well... most of the time & for those other times, that's why we have coffee & soda! haha
Thank you mom for taking care of me & making sure I survived! Now, I'm off to curl in bed with the laptop & watch one of the netflix movies that arrived!
Bonus: Corey is out with the guys tonight (I'm so happy for him!) & I'm going out tomorrow afternoon for a pedi & lunch with the girls!!! I'm so excited! I'll blog about it later.
These are pictures from during the week, when Corey got off early a couple days...
About to go on a walk...
Playing in the pool, we didn't reblow it up, because then we'd have to fill it up again with water & it would be too cold for Wills.
yes, he LOVES to pee in the pool, it's his favorite!
09 June 2009
Good News...
I'm pregnant again! We found out last week & got the bloood test to confirm it today! I think he or she will be due in the begining of February (so, 11 months younger than Wills).
We are very excited & feel blessed. We are also a little nervous, but "trust in the Lord your God with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways know him and he will make your path straight."
So, to explain a little more, we are mostly nervous about Corey's deployment. I hope he will be able to get out of it or at very least come back early, so he wont miss the birth. We have no idea if his work will let him do either. He is supposed to leave in September & be gone for 4 months. So it's cutting it close & with the military things tend to get delayed. Also, because these two are so close I have "to be aware that the chances of having a preterm delivery are increased".
So, besides that, I am a little nervous about how hard it's going to be, especially the first few months. You know newborn is hard and getting everything adjusted & into a routine. I feel confident that I will survive & even that I'll have a bit of fun in there. haha
Oh how great it will be though when they are a bit older! They can play together!
I also don't have to get rid of anything (like the major stuff) & buy it again (or have it sitting around collecting dust for years).
Even if this one is a girl, she can still wear some of Will's more neutral clothes.
I'm already in baby-mode.
We wanted them close together.
Will will most likely be too young to really show jealousy/rivalry when s/he arrives (from what I hear from other moms with 2 little ones).
Corey thinks it's a girl, I think it's a boy. We don't really care either way (honestly). I have a feeling this pregnancy is going to go by a LOT faster than the last one. haha.
We are very excited & feel blessed. We are also a little nervous, but "trust in the Lord your God with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways know him and he will make your path straight."
So, to explain a little more, we are mostly nervous about Corey's deployment. I hope he will be able to get out of it or at very least come back early, so he wont miss the birth. We have no idea if his work will let him do either. He is supposed to leave in September & be gone for 4 months. So it's cutting it close & with the military things tend to get delayed. Also, because these two are so close I have "to be aware that the chances of having a preterm delivery are increased".
So, besides that, I am a little nervous about how hard it's going to be, especially the first few months. You know newborn is hard and getting everything adjusted & into a routine. I feel confident that I will survive & even that I'll have a bit of fun in there. haha
Oh how great it will be though when they are a bit older! They can play together!
I also don't have to get rid of anything (like the major stuff) & buy it again (or have it sitting around collecting dust for years).
Even if this one is a girl, she can still wear some of Will's more neutral clothes.
I'm already in baby-mode.
We wanted them close together.
Will will most likely be too young to really show jealousy/rivalry when s/he arrives (from what I hear from other moms with 2 little ones).
Corey thinks it's a girl, I think it's a boy. We don't really care either way (honestly). I have a feeling this pregnancy is going to go by a LOT faster than the last one. haha.
08 June 2009
I hate...
I hate mosquitos!! Freakin' South has a million & 500!
I get a new bug bite every day!
I have been going on walks with Wills & Molly-girl everyday, sometimes Cor comes too. Anyways, today Cor got off early, so we went to the dog park. Not only was it a little too hot for my babe, a mosquito landed on his face!! Right by his lil eye. boo. I know, it's not that big of a deal (there isn't even a bump... well when he went down for his nap there was no bump).
I think tomorrow I will head to Walmart (another sucky thing about this place = no Target close) & buy that Off Fan thing I keep seeing commercials for & some Off Wipes too (just in case the fan doesn't work). I'll let you all know how they work.
p.s. for everyone living in beautiful places like CA that have like one mosquito for the whole state, you're lucky! I miss it!
I get a new bug bite every day!
I have been going on walks with Wills & Molly-girl everyday, sometimes Cor comes too. Anyways, today Cor got off early, so we went to the dog park. Not only was it a little too hot for my babe, a mosquito landed on his face!! Right by his lil eye. boo. I know, it's not that big of a deal (there isn't even a bump... well when he went down for his nap there was no bump).
I think tomorrow I will head to Walmart (another sucky thing about this place = no Target close) & buy that Off Fan thing I keep seeing commercials for & some Off Wipes too (just in case the fan doesn't work). I'll let you all know how they work.
p.s. for everyone living in beautiful places like CA that have like one mosquito for the whole state, you're lucky! I miss it!
My lil Talker!
Will is such a talker already! Man, my house is never going to be quiet again! I love it!
07 June 2009
Sick & Milestones
My little man had his first cold this past week. Technically it started the 28th night, but it took a couple days before we knew what was going on. First he just stopped eating as much, but when the stuffy nose, post-nasal drip cough, & super tired baby signs showed up, we figured it out. I super cleaned his room (in case it was allergies), we propped up his mattress, bought a humidifier, & saline nose drops to help with the suctioning of boogies!
He seemed a LOT better after those things, but he threw up so we went to see the Dr., which was very good, because he was developing an ear infection!!! My poor baby! He wasn't showing signs of pain & no fever, so I was shocked. The Dr. was funny & showed Corey what an ear infection looks like. (i wanna see!)
He is all better now. He is still taking the antibiotics for the ear infection. He seems to like the taste. He's eating well. He's breathing well. We are still using the humidifier, because it helps him sleep better with the "white noise", or... so it seems.
Another milestone is approaching... solids!
We are trying to hold off on introducing organic whole grain rice cereal (yes, I am trying to be completely organic, but that's another blog), but he seems soooo ready already. He sits up so well propped or while we are holding him. Actually he's pretty obsessed with sitting & "standing". He seems to have lost the tongue-thrust reflex. He seems hungry & he's already getting about 32-36oz. a day. The next Dr. appt. isn't until July! I guess we'll wait until he cries after 6 oz. all the time (he gets 6 feedings a day).
He's also staying awake longer & I think he is wanting longer naps (I have to wake him up for all his naps except the late afternoon one), BUT he has to sleep through the night before I extend his schedule.
Oh! Being a mom is so much fun! I feel so unbelievably blessed. The Lord is so good.
Here is Corey nakify-ing Will for bathtime...

This is how Cor gives Wills a bath...

This is how I wash Wills, no washcloth anymore, the hands are faster & easier, plus I can tickle him!

Here is his doggie mobile from his playpen, he loves it...

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