31 October 2008
Carvin' Pumpkins!
29 October 2008
Menu Plan Monday November 2nd-8th
Anyways, here it is:
Breakfast: *Oatmeal w/jam, cinnamon, or raisins
Lunches: *Top Ramen
*Mac n Cheese
*Soup w/ biscuts
*Turkey Sandwhiches
Dinners: *Layered Enchiladas w/corn (substituting turkey with chicken & omitting cranberries)
*Chicken & Rice soup
*Spaghetti w/salad & garlic bread
*Broccoli Cheddar Soup
*Taco Salad on top of potatoes (I know it might sound wierd, but it's sooo good)
*Meatloaf w/hashbrown casserole & mixed vegetables (w/ hashbrowns I'm omitting onions & mixing the cornflakes in the casserole a little, it comes out more crunchy throughout)
*Pancakes w/bacon & eggs for everyone, I'm having a BLT (I still can't do eggs, I haven't since I was preggers)
Snacks: *Crackers w/cheese, tuna, or pb
*apples or bananas
Dessert: *Chocolate Crinkle Cookies
*Also, I didn't get around to the creme brulee, so I'm doing that this week.
*There is a memorial service this Monday & I'm making sweet scones & cheddar bacon scones.
*Monday Night is Enlisted Spouse Club Potluck, so I'm making another Hashbrown Casserole.
This will be a full week.
If you'd like to start Menu Plan Mondays, or if you need creative ideas for menu making visit the Organized Junkie's Blog!
26 October 2008
My Two Fav Cookie Recipes
yields: 5 dozen
1c. shortening
1 1/2c. sugar
2 lg. eggs
1tsp. lemon extract
1tsp. vanilla extract
2 1/2c. all-purpose flour
2tsp. baking powder
1/2tsp. salt
1/4c. sugar
Beat shortening & 1 1/2c. sugar at medium speed with an electric mixer until fluffy. Add eggs & flavorings, beating until blended.
Combine flour, baking powder, & salt; gradually add to shortening mixture, beating well. Cover and chill dough.
Shape dough into 1-inch balls; roll in 1/4c. sugar. Place on ungreased baking sheets.
Bake at 350 for 8-9 minutes or until barely golden. Cool 2 minutes on baking sheets; remove to wire racks to cool completely.
Peppermint Crescents
Yields: 3 dozen
*These cookies melt-in-your mouth & are perfect for the Holidays. These cookies are also a little messy, but the are so WORTH it!!
1c. butter, softened
2/3c. sifted powder sugar
1tsp. peppermint extract
1/8tsp. salt
2 1/2c. all-purpose flour
2c. sifted powder sugar, divided
2 1/2 tbsp. milk
1/4tsp. peppermint extract
Coarsely crushed hard peppermint candy
Beat butter at medium speed with an electic micer until creamy. Add 2/3c. powder sufar, 1 tsp. peppermint extract, & salt; beat well. Gradually add flour to butter mixture, beating at low speed just until blended after each addition. Divide dough into thirds; cover & chill 30 minutes.
Working with 1 portion of dough at a time, divide each portion into 12 pieces. Roll each piece into a 2-inch log; curve ends of each log to form a cresent. Place cresents 2 inches apart on lightly greased baking sheets.
Bake at 325 for 18 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool 1 minute on baking sheets. Carefully roll warm cookies in 1 cup of powder sugar and then cool completely on wire racks.
Combine remaining 1c. powder sugar, milk, & 1/4tsp. peppermint extract, stirring until smooth. Drizzle icing over cookies; sprinkle with crushed peppermint, pressing gently. Let icing set before serving. Store cookies in an airtight container.
Menu Plan Monday October 27th-Nov 1st

24 October 2008
One more great thing for today!
We're Having A...
Yaye! We are soooooooOOOOOoooo very excited!
23 October 2008
One more day!!
The sad news is we did not get to have an ultrasound, even though they said I would. The good news is that I have my ultrasound tomorrow! yaye! So hold your breath for a phone call, lol. just kidding.
I'm really excited & a little nervous. You know, it's permenant once they find that little peter or va-jay-jay. It is so exciting though.
So I'll be telling the world tomorrow what we find out, so you can check here if we don't have a chance to call you!
We're off for a walk with Molly dog.
21 October 2008
Menu Plan Monday

Brandon's & Katie's 16th Birthday!
Katie is so spunky & girly, very into fashion & of course she has the beauty of a model (maybe not the height though, lol)!
Brandon is more quiet & reserved. He's funny & a cool guy, loves his new Nintendo DS. He looks more and more like my mom's brother Mark.
Well, with their birthday came some BIG changes. My dad & his wife are seperating & my dad is moving to South Carolina. He's looking into renting a place about an hour away. It is definitely a crazy time, but hopefully they will all get settled soon.
It is also definitely a big adjustment going from being 3,000 miles away & in essence living my own life to having to take care of my family so intensely (because it's a big life change). I wont say it's not hard, only that God has given me this for many reasons & for that I am blessed. Corey and I trust him so intensely & know that he is our strength & guidance. Amen!
The only thing that could have made this weekend better is if this guy was with us.We LOVE you Bubba Mike!!!
15 October 2008
I got a call late this morning from my OB's office saying my insurance is not approved. My appointment is today at 2:30! I've been waiting SO long to see an OB.
I spent half an hour calling around to Shaw AFB tricare people, but they were all out to lunch, so I waited called them back & they told me it's my primary care doctor's office fault.
So, I spend another half an hour being transfered around to a million people (& just to let you know, each person asks for my story, name, birthdate, etc) at my doctor's office, only to find out that the lady who does the referals is gone early for the day!!
Then, I call Sumter OB to reschedule & someone is calling me from my doctors office, so I hang up & it's the referal lady (who is super rude) and I have to tell her my story & she says she'll call me back. When she finally does, she says that the doctor put the referal in his notes & nobody decided to take care of it and give it to her.
Anyways, she's sending the referal through tricare (insurance) & I had to reschedule my appt. for next Thursday! It's been 2 months since I've seen an OB!! I was really hoping to find out the sex of the baby too. grr... Well, there's nothing I can do.
At least the lady at the OB's office was nice & when I asked about having an ultrasound done, she said that they will most definitely do it, but that she would put a big note on it mentioning I'll be 20 weeks & need an ultrasound. That makes me happier. So shout out to lady at sumter OB, lol.
Okay, I'm done venting, & sorry that you will all have to wait another week before you know if it's a girl or a boy. hehe
13 October 2008
19 weeks & kicking!
I can't.
I'm 19 weeks & this wonderful baby has started kicking away!
I thought I was feeling kicks, but wasn't sure.
The last few days, I started to KNOW it was the baby doing acrobatics.
I'm so happy!
I looked at the old ultrasound pictures and I got a little teary eyed, I can't believe it's a human being in my belly! A real baby, like the ones I see all the time, except it's mine! Mine & my Corey's.
The one person that I am closest to in the world, the person I love the most in this world, my husband and I are having a baby. Our child will represent the love between us. Ahhh! I love it.
This is such a blessing. I feel very lucky to be able to have this. All of this. But, I know it's not luck, it's a blessing from God.
So, I'll be posting another post Wednesday & hopefully there will be ultrasound pictures, but if not, this pic will have to hold you over, the belly IS growing!
09 October 2008
Menu Plan Oct. 13th- 19th

Hey, so I'm getting involve in this Menu Planning website, mainly because I'm running out of good ideas for dinners. So Here is my Oct 13th - 19th.
Monday- Beef Pot Roast w/biscuts
Tuesday- Leftovers
Wednesday- Spaghetti w/salad & garlic bread
Thursday- Grilled Cheese on Whole Wheat & Chunky Tomato Soup
Friday- Pepper Steak w/rice
Saturday- Leftovers
Sunday- Cobb Salad w/bacon & turkey
02 October 2008
Date Night
01 October 2008
We Arrived
Here is our house on base!