awh! We arrived! Okay, so we've been here for over a week.
We have been so blessed. Our drive across the country, while stressful, went well. Nothing bad happened & we got a chance to see our friends along the way. We got a late start on the first day, but eventually we made it to Ontario, California (a little past LA). The second day we made our way across death valley & into Arizona, where we stopped in Tucson. While we were trying to find out hotel we went down a little road and came within a few feet of wrecking the Budget truck, lol. There was a bridge that wasn't tall enough, but luckily we stopped the car in time, but then we had to back up the truck into an intersection. lol. Not so much fun, but we made it. The next day we made it to El Paso & stayed with our friend Michelle & her family. That was nice to see friends. Then we went on to Midland, TX (not so much fun) and Dallas, TX (alright). After that we stayed in Jackson, MS (which was FULL of bugs) and then went on to Columbus, GA. We stayed with the Boeckh's in Columbus & we did not want to leave. That feels like home to us. hehe. But we left the next day & eventually got to Shaw AFB, SC.
We stayed in Temporary Lodging on base for a few days, but we were lucky enough to have a base house waiting for us when we arrived!!! yaye. So we moved in this past Friday. It's all been going by pretty fast.
Corey started working yesterday. We are pretty much unpacked. We've ordered a couch and dressers which should be on there way soon. I'm starting to meet people. We missed church last Sunday, which was a real bummer, but we are going this Sunday. We go on walks everynight & we've been meeting some neighbors.
At first it was pretty hard & it still is a little hard, but I'm starting to like it. It helps to have my friends & family back home encouraging me & praying for me.
Tonight Corey and I are going on a date! We've already done some major exploring of the area & so far I like Columbia a LOT.
The baby is doing great. I still have to find an OB & make my first appt. Hopefully then I will get my ultrasound & find out the sex of the babe. I think I've been feeling the baby kicking, but who knows it could be gas. hehe.
Well, I better go call those doctors.
I want to say a special thanks to my friends & family that have called or messaged me. You really have helped me through this tough transition. Thanks Korinne, Michelle, Liz, Mom, Mike, & Abi. I really appreciate your love.
Here is our house on base!
Hey Theresa. Glad to hear you made it with no major problems. I'm so excited for you. Your house looks cute. Oh and your baby belly is adorable. I've been trying to wait to call until you've had a chance to settle in a bit. Well, gotta go put Aiden down for his nap. I'll talk to ya soon.